
Therefore go and make disciple of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Matthew 28:19–20

Helping to realize the important value and mission of inviting all people to experience life in Jesus, ECC supports several international and national mission efforts, bringing the gospel to un-churched people throughout all parts of the world. The history of the church is full of people who shared a great vision for undertaking the Great Commission and who were determined that everyone, regardless of location, culture, ethnic background and economic status would have the opportunity to hear the good news.

Here is a list of our supported Missions and Missionaries along with a brief summary of who they are and what they do. We encourage you to contact missionaries of interest to you so that you can get regular reports and prayer requests.

Linda works with Team Expansion in Louisville, KY. Team Expansion is a missions organization supported primarily by independent Christian churches, with 300 workers in 40 countries. Team Expansion workers go exclusively to unreached people; those who are unlikely to ever hear the Gospel unless someone intentionally seeks them out. Linda works with U.S. churches to help them fulfill their role in the great commission. She is currently assisting churches in launching projects in East Africa and London. To subscribe to her monthly email, contact Linda at lepeards@teamexpansion.org

The HHM Clinic includes a staff of Haitian employees as well as American health care missionaries. They have three physicians, two nurse practitioners and three nurses all providing patient care. They have three laboratory technicians who do testing of specimens to help health care providers determine accurate diagnoses and care for their clients. They have two pharmacy technicians that fill prescriptions for patients. In addition to those providing direct patient care, they have a receptionist who checks in patients, a filing clerk who handles patient files, a clinic administrator, an X-ray technician/statistician, cleaning staff, and security guards.


Niños de México is a Christian mission focused on caring for orphans aand encouraging growth in the local church. Since 1967, Niños de México has been giving LIFE to these children one child at time. Many of these children have grown up to become doctors, ministers, teachers, and more, helping to spread the good news of Jesus Christ in México. Today they are actively involved in sharing Jesus with the children and people of México through their seven children’s homes, Christian school, medical outreach, and church plants.


Larry and Linda Whiting are career missionaries with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). The majority of their 30 years of service has been in Indonesia. Currently they are home staff at MAF’s US headquarters in Nampa, Idaho. Larry is an aircraft maintenance specialist and prepares planes for overseas service. Linda is the MAF Donor Relations Coordinator, connecting with field staff and donors on a daily basis. They are thrilled to be a vital part of the technical support team for MAF's global ministries. They also readily mentor new missionaries in preparation for work and ministry overseas.


John and his wife, Agnieszka, work for an organization called Proem Ministries. They are directly responsible for outreach and development tied in with education in a community of 70,000 in central Poland— about an hour from Warsaw. They now have 390 students enrolled in their educational facility and they’ve seen many parents, teachers, and young people give their lives to Christ along the way. They’ve been involved in education for around 15 years. John has been working in Poland for 22 yrs after spending a year at Southeast Christian as an intern and graduating from Lincoln Christian. They view Christian education as an investment in the local community which creates opportunities to share the Gospel and encourage the next generation of young Poles to live for God. Their educational building is tied in with church planting and outreach in 3 other cities in a 50 mile radius from Proem's Christian Center in Zakosciele.



Athletes in Action is an international sports organization focused on equipping athletes, coaches, and sport-minded individuals to grow in their relationship with Jesus and multiply their life into others.

To be added to Iwona’s email list and learn more about her work in Poland, email iwona.zagrobelna@gmail.com

Magda works with CRU to bring the good news of Jesus to students in Poland. CRU is the name of Campus Crusade for Christ International in the U.S.

To learn more about Magda’s work in Poland, email stannam@gmail.com

“Outreach Jamaica exists to glorify God by making Him known through caring for people’s needs, both spiritually and physically, and seeking to demonstrate in action as well as word the love of Christ who indwells us.” Jacques and Bev Blackwell minister in Beechertown, Jamaica. They have been married for almost 32 years and have 5 children— one biological and four adopted in Jamaica. They have been ministering in Jamaica full time since 1994. Jacques and Bev are certified foster parents and take in children both long and short term as a Place Of Safety for Region III (3 parishes) for the Child Development Agency (CDA). They have fostered 41 children, ages birth–18 years old with stays ranging from a few days up to 11 years. The ministry of Outreach Jamaica also includes coordinating and planning outreach events for the youth, especially in the rural areas of Jamaica. They hold summer camps, youth retreats, one-day community outreach events, Vacation Bible Schools and Youth Conventions/Crusades. They are also involved in holding morning devotions at the 2 schools in Beecher Town on a regular basis. Jacques ministers full-time to the Beecher Town Church of Christ and also fills the pulpit for some of the many rural area churches without a full-time minister.

Located in Zimbabwe, Central Africa Christian College seeks to train ministers and Christian leaders for Zimbabwe and the surrounding countries of South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia or Malawi.


Due to the sensitivity of the areas in which they work and protect the safety of these families, we are not publishing their names or specific locations online.

Christian Student Fellowship has been on IU's campus for 50 years, and they love helping students thrive on campus. The Campus House is a great place for students to live while attending IU. As the hub of CSF's ministry, the Campus House is a common meeting place for various events throughout the ministry. This also conveniently allows students to have instant access to the CSF Staff and fellow Christian students. CSF gathers as a community every Thursday night for student-led worship and through-the-Bible teaching. Students come to learn, connect, and be encouraged to take their faith back to campus, their dorms, and their communities. Encounter is open to all students looking for community or curious about faith in Bloomington. Students are encouraged to ask questions and share thoughts or reflections from their lives. It is also a space where those who would rather listen than speak, who think deeply and quietly, are welcome to be themselves. CSF has several small groups meeting all over campus and throughout Bloomington.


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